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Author: The Basset's Apprentice

All Work And No Play

If you are looking for a story that shows how love may be difficult but it is possible to love someone unconditionally through it all than look no further than Spiral by author Mila Ferrera. You will fall in love with her...

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A New Song Does Not Help

Morning everyone…ugh so I was so sick of my alarm that I decided the simple solution was to change the song that woke me up… let’s just say it did not work… I have come to realize it doesn’t matter...

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Where Is My Crown

Really my adoring fans I still love you but I feel like some days I am putting more into this relationship than you are… I mean last night I dreamt you bought me a new crown… and I have been told that sometimes my...

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Follow Romy

The great thing here is you have all three books, so no worrying about when you are going to be able to get the next book. The action starts on the very first page and it keeps it up until the very last page. This is a good...

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I Hate Alarm Clocks

Good morning y’all it’s me Henry… you must please excuse me if I keep this short today, I am rather exhausted. I was so excited about my new job that I went out and bought my own little alarm clock, so I set it...

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