The Neuvokkasinian Arc Of Empire series by author C.Craig Coleman is a coming of age, epic fantasy that occurs at the twilight of primal beings and the emergence of man. Wizards, witches, elves, dwarves, trolls, ogres, orcs, dragons, and new fantastic creatures still interact with men in this classic struggle between good and evil. Enjoy!

The Dragon Ring (Neuyokkasinian Arc of Empire Series Book 1)
C. Craig Coleman
4.8 Stars (17 Reviews)
Genre: Mythology & Folk Tales | Fantasy

The Dragon Ring opens in a politically charged kingdom on the Powterosian continent. The reigning queen has recently ascended the throne at the insistence of the nobility who forced her corrupt brother to abdicate. The former queen, a soulless upstart, ruthlessly schemed to attain power and position. The sudden loss of status has unhinged her. She’s resorted to witchcraft to destroy her sister-in-law and the royal family to regain the throne. Caught in the middle are the royal children including young Prince Saxthor, the second son and spare heir.

The unexpected discovery of Saxthor’s unique powers aggravates the political conflict. The witch feels threatened and attempts to kill Saxthor shattering his carefree world. His mentor wizard sends Prince Saxthor racing into exile that he might survive to grow into his mysterious powers. But he’s followed.

The witch also has a co-conspirator, a ruthless warlock. He’s using her for an end she’s unaware of. The sorcerers draw in the ultimate personification of power, dragons, bending them to good or evil in the conflict for ultimate control. Only Saxthor can alter the looming war’s outcome.

Can Saxthor survive his pursuers’ attacks? Will he overcome his own doubts and rebuild lost confidence? Will his character develop and restore his self-assurance sufficient to face his worst fear? He will need exceptional character to control his unique gifts without succumbing to them. This epic provides fantasy entertainment atop undercurrents of political and psychological depth.

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The Crystal Legacy (Neuyokkasinian Arc of Empire Series Book 2)
C. Craig Coleman
4.8 Stars (11 Reviews)
Genre: Mythology & Folk Tales | Fantasy | Teen & Young Adult

For Prince Saxthor, his loyal friend Bodrin, and their mentor, wizard Tournak, the time is right to return from exile. Wizard Memlatec, warns them it’s still too dangerous to return home. First, he explains, they must undertake an even more perilous journey to retrieve the hidden power crystals and restore the mystical Crown of Yensupov. Putting aside his desire to see his family once again, Saxthor takes on the new quest for the sake of his kingdom. His companions insist on coming along to protect him.

The journey is fraught with hazards. They must travel a long exposed way undetected, under the very eyes of the Dark Lord of Dreaddrac. What new challenges will they encounter? Will all they meet wish them well or attempt to destroy them? Witch Earwig too, discovers they are back and vulnerable. Her madness intensifies, as does her determination to destroy the royal family. Will she succeed or will her rage continue to trip her up?

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The Crown of Yensupov (Neuyokkasinian Arc of Empire Series Book 3)
C. Craig Coleman
5 Stars (7 Reviews)
Genre: Mythology & Folk Tales | Fantasy | Teen & Young Adult

At a crucial crossroads in their ongoing quest, Saxthor and his troupe must cross Dreaddrac right under the Dark Lord’s nose! They know if they’re discovered, they’ll have little chance of surviving. The Dark Lord does discover them. He correctly perceives Saxthor and his allies, to be the greatest threat to his coming domination of the world. With his sorcery spinning its darkest web, he releases numerous, if discrete, forces to destroy them in their tracks. But, the race is on… and there are still those crystals to retrieve in the race back to Neuyokkasin.

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